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Five Minutes With...Annabelle Chilwell - Natural Hound

The hunt for the perfect dog bed for partner Billy’s working dogs led Annabelle Chilwell to start her business Natural Hound.

Offering durable and sustainable dog beds and coats for the discerning hound, made with all natural materials – canvas and wool – Annabelle has found a market for not only the loyal working dog, but pets of all shapes and sizes.

Originally from a small town south of Perth, Australia, Annabelle ventured across the ditch in 2013 and studied a Bachelor of Commerce in Agriculture at Lincoln University. She fell in love with the hills, and has never left. Having spent her whole time in New Zealand living in the South Island, she and Billy recently made the move North, to Waipukurau, Central Hawke’s Bay.

Like many farmers, Billy’s working dogs play a vital role in helping him do his job as a farmer, and he wanted to care for them as best he could. Not impressed with the beds on offer, they decided to create their own.

Annabelle says a comfy bed can help prevent arthritis and do wonders for a dog’s recovery after a hard day at work. She likens it to playing a game of rugby, the worst thing you could do afterwards is sleep on a hard wooden floor. Natural Hound is a fulltime job for her, and Annabelle does the majority of the sewing work herself, helped by contract sewers. Billy is handy with a camera, taking all of the photographs used on the website (which Annabelle built herself) and in marketing.

Describe yourself in 3 words: Stubborn, kind, creative

Favourite working dog quality? That they are such different characters, so unique. They are integral to a farming business; without them you actually wouldn’t get the job done.

Biggest learning in business? Everything! I learned a lot about myself and all the financial side, that’s been really interesting.

Best advice you’ve ever received? ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’. Unless you give something a go for yourself, you don’t know what is out there to discover. In life, ‘people are always going to judge you, no matter what you do, so you may as well do what you want’.

Dream way to spend a day? A morning sewing and then an afternoon the farm either in the yards or tagging along shifting stock. On a day off, at the beach, definitely, or skiing.

What inspires you? Just having the freedom to do new creative things, I get really excited about that sort of stuff.

What are you reading/listening to? Mark Bouris podcasts, he’s an Australian businessman and he interviews a lot of successful business people or people who have done incredible things, like doctors. I enjoy learning about the psychology of it. He has two podcasts The Mentor and Straight Talk. For something more light-hearted I love The Girls Uninterrupted.


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